National Stress Day

national stress day

Feeling stressed has become so common that sometimes it is even hard to remember what it feels like to be relaxed. How does stress play an important role in our daily lives? It’s often felt in a tightening of the muscles, increased blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, and dry mouth. However, not only is it momentaneous, it can also have long-term effects and consequences such as heart disease, depression, and it can lower the immune system which eventually can be the source of more diseases and illnesses.

“Nearly a year into the pandemic, prolonged stress persists at elevated levels for many Americans. As we work to address stressors as a nation, from unemployment to education, we can’t ignore the mental health consequences of this global shared experience,” said Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, APA’s chief executive officer.

How can we start a de-stressful life?

We probably can’t get rid totally of the things that cause us stress, such as our jobs, studies, economic problems, however, we can change how we put things in perspective. We have gathered some mental wellness tips to make some changes into your lifestyle so it is less stressful:

  1. Exercise: You are probably bored of people telling you how important exercise is, and if you are not used to it, it might feel like such a drag. However, it is scientifically proven how exercise, walking, running, or doing your favorite sport can really have an impact on your wellbeing by producing endorphins. You don’t have to run a marathon to exercise, walking around your neighborhood or walking to new places (as long as they are safe) can be a life changing experience.

  2. Treat yourself: Are you doing enough things in the day to treat yourself? Eating right, seeing your favorite show, taking breaks, can all make a difference in how you perceive stress and de-stress.

  3. Surround yourself with the people you love: This can even be your pets, cuddle with your cat, or walk with your dog. Hug your significant other or your friends. Getting a sense of love is very important to feeling less stressed and remembering you are not alone.

Here are some other tips by Forbes to be less stressed this year.

Sometimes, little details can make a huge impact in how we perceive the world around us. A life full of stress is an unhappy life, and we have a choice to make a difference in how we feel each day.