Upcoming Election 2020 & Mental Health


How to make a difference today

My apologies upfront to write about the upcoming election. However, it is one more community stressor impacting our mental health. The negative ads impact my daily mental health as I listen to the name calling that sounds like an elementary school playground fight. I am tired of the rhetoric, the repetitious nature and just plain nastiness. I’m actually looking forward to the holiday Coke ads with the singing chorus to give the world a Coke and wishing world peace. Bring it on.

In a world where we are feeling increasingly helpless, there is something we can all do to feel a little more empowered. your-vote-counts



Many individuals in other countries fight for the right. They are willing to risk their lives to win this right. In my lifetime, African Americans have won the right to vote. Yet as Americans, we take this right for granted. It is interesting human behavior and it is unclear whether it is a part of our group mentality that one person can’t make a difference or something else. We tend to blend in, become complacent and give up.

But one person can make a difference. Rosa Parks made a difference when she refused to give up her seat.


It is our American ingenuity coupled with our independent thinking that makes us innovators, a nation that comes up with ideas. We are doers. But we are losing that American Pride, our individuality, and we are falling into mediocrity. 

But you can make a difference. Each of us has the power to change the world, one small piece at a time. Imagine if each person picked up just one piece of garbage every day. The world would be cleaner. Imagine if each person smiled at another person each day. The world would be a kinder place. Our country, our world, is made up of individuals. Each person has their place and can make a difference which creates the ripple effect to create momentum to change the world. 

So start today. 

Make a difference. 

In this time when we all feel hopeless and helpless, take control of one small thing, and make a difference.

And get out and vote. Honor those who fought for that right and those who continue to fight for that right today. 

Karen W. Malm, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Executive Director

Summit Community Counseling

5689 S Redwood Rd #27

Taylorsville, UT 84123

