We Are Still Here To Care And Support You


During this stressful time, we want you to know that Summit is continuing to provide services through telehealth and some in-person appointments. We were at the forefront of telehealth services and implemented the ability to do telehealth over a year ago. We had a seamless transition from office visits to telehealth during this pandemic. Our team of well-trained therapists has even modified telehealth to support our youngest clients. We have been swapping great ideas and projects so that we can continue to work with our young population who need extra support now that their routines are altered. 

We continue to take new patients and offer the same care and devotion to our clients we have always offered. We are bringing on several new therapists to ease our waiting list and to make sure we have readily available staff to meet the needs of our community. Please keep an eye on our website for an announcement of our new telepsychiatry services coming soon! We have identified a provider and we are working on setting up our services. 

During this time, remember to engage in self-care and make outreach to friends via social media, phone calls, and maybe getting back to old-fashioned letter writing! We are a strong state, a strong nation, and we will get through this in a team effort!


Karen W. Malm, Ph.D.