You Can Make A Difference


The news is feeling overwhelming and, with each day, it feels like there is a new tragedy, more bad news, and the feeling that maybe Armageddon is really on its way. But within all of this negativity, there are rays of hope and sunshine. There is a sense that this is an awakening and that the people are responding. Having lived through the civil rights movement  and the Vietnam protests of the 60’s and 70’s, I have seen the power of the people in making change. When the people come together, the world changes. It is time again for us to rise up and to make our voices heard. Complacency hit the world as technology made our lives easier, world wealth was on the rise, and we were making gains in our environmental awareness. Now it is evident that we are paying the price for our complacency and not noticing the negativity creeping into our lives. As I watch the news and see these massive protests, I am proud of our humanitarian oneness and the goodness of people who feel for their neighbors. I see the very young, our next generation, fighting for equality and for creating a caring, loving world. It heartens me in these tough times. 

So what can we do? We can make a difference in our everyday lives. We cannot change the world, but we can change our own little corner of the universe. We can impact our immediate environment and we can create the butterfly effect, spreading the influence in an ever widening circle. A daily act of kindness that is made in a meaningful, conscious manner will make a difference. Wave hi to your neighbor and consciously think, “I am showing kindness, I am doing my part.” Pick up a piece of trash and say to yourself, “I am being kind to the environment. I am making a difference.” Take a minute to do something kind to yourself, sit down, take a break, and comment, “I am being kind to myself so I can be kind to others. I am taking care of myself.” It is important to be mindful and conscious about your acts to have them make the biggest impact. 

We receive what we give out. If we allow ourselves to stay in negatively, we will see only negativity. It is the lens we are viewing the world through. If we look for signs of kindness, caring, and the goodness of others, we will begin to see it in our everyday lives. As we see the positivity, we will become more positive and, in turn, will spread that positivity. Making the world a better place. 

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.  William James

Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud. Maya Angelou

Go out and spread goodness and light. Do your part. It will make a difference. 


Karen W. Malm, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

Executive Director

Summit Community Counseling