International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

international survivors of suicide loss day

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day takes place on the Saturday before Thanksgiving every November. The goal of this day is to encourage survivors of suicide loss to come together, memorializing their loved ones while raising awareness of mental health issues.

During the past few years, the public perception of suicide has changed significantly. There used to be a stigma surrounding these mental health issues, and this has largely lifted, creating new diagnostic and treatment options. At the same time, it is important to continue to raise awareness of not only International Survivors of Suicide Day but also the resources that are available to those who suffer from mental health issues, including depression. International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and people from all over the world come together to speak on a difficult topic, support one another, and remind everyone that they are not alone.

A few quick points on International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day include:

  • International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day was created to raise awareness of suicide, resources available to those who have lost a loved one, and resources available to those who need help with mental health issues.
  • Suicide is directly related to depression, as most people who die by suicide have an underlying mental health issue.
  • There are plenty of ways people can prevent suicide, and this starts by letting people know that it is okay to talk about mental health issues, depression, and suicide.

Learn more about International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, and remember that it is okay not to be okay. Contact Summit Community Counseling for more information.